Tag: binge drinking

group of hands holding different beverages
November 13, 2023/Wellness

10 Myths About Drinking Alcohol You Should Stop Repeating

Coffee won’t cure a hangover and you definitely shouldn’t mix your cocktail with an energy drink

college students looking at a cell phone
September 7, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

#BORG: A Viral TikTok Trend Is Taking Off Dangerously Among College Students

‘Blackout rage gallons’ promote unsafe drinking behavior

Empty liquor bottles and glasses in front of a brown cloud.
March 12, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

Blackouts and Your Brain: How To Avoid Memory Loss

Excess alcohol and substance use can cause temporary and permanent memory loss

illustration of no alcohol for a month
December 16, 2022/Digestive

Why a ‘Dry January’ Is Good for Your Health

Your liver, heart and skin will all thank you for the break from alcohol


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Closeup of a happy person drinking red wine.
November 14, 2022/Heart Health

How Alcohol Affects Your Heart

Alcohol use may cause an irregular heartbeat, raised blood pressure and more

Forlorn person hugs knees to chest while sitting inside a giant green bottle

What Is Binge Drinking? Signs To Look Out For

Take note of the signs of binge drinking and how to set limits for yourself

Beer tester tray too much alcohol
April 19, 2022/Digestive

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?

Where you need to draw the line

friends drinking alcohol at bar
October 21, 2019/Weight Loss

Does Drinking Alcohol Prevent You From Losing Weight?

Study examines if alcohol habits + obesity are related

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