Tag: cancer risk

provider examines mole on patient's back using a magnifying glass

Symptoms of Cancer: 10 Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

If you experience these symptoms, it’s time to talk to your doctor

man with stomach pain
April 7, 2022/Digestive

8 Potential Warning Signs of Stomach Cancer

Nausea, heartburn and weight loss may signal more is going on with your GI system

blood test samples in lab

The Galleri Test: A New Blood Test for Cancer Screening

The Galleri test can detect more than 50 kinds of cancer

Smoked roast beef is sliced on a cutting board.
March 3, 2022/Digestive

Are Smoked Meats Bad for Your Health?

They’re classified as carcinogenic because of their link to cancer


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HPV virus illustration
December 13, 2021/Sex & Relationships

Does HPV Go Away on Its Own?

For most people, HPV clears up on its own within two years, but for others, the virus can linger, causing further complications

woman eating ice cream sundae
December 7, 2020/Cancer Care & Prevention

Will Eating Sugar Cause Cancer?

The short answer from a clinical nurse specialist

Prostate organ by the bladder

The Future of Prostate Cancer Screening Is Here

When it comes to more accurate diagnosis, IsoPSA® offers better insights and a little more hope

man in bed with fever and cough

Why You Should Take Fevers Seriously If You Have Cancer

When undergoing cancer treatment, fever is a critical symptom to address

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