Tag: coping skills

Person vacuuming around living room
April 17, 2024/Eye Care

5 Tips for Coping With Geographic Atrophy

Preserving your social life and protecting your mental health are key to living well with vision loss

Angusihed person sitting by hospital bedside of loved one
April 9, 2024/Mental Health

Anticipatory Grief: Symptoms and How To Cope

This coping mechanism can help you prepare and think through an impending loss

Person stressed with hands over their face in darkened room.
September 12, 2023/Mental Health

Signs Your Anxiety Is on the Rise

Physical, mental and emotional responses are all relevant symptoms

person on cell phone in living room
April 18, 2023/Mental Health

What Does It Mean To Have an ‘Addictive Personality’?

If you identify with this informal term, it may mean you have some addictive vulnerabilities


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Someone holding an elderly persons hands.
January 15, 2023/Primary Care

What an End-of-Life Doula Can Do for You

Sometimes, you need help navigating your grief and the dying process

Workplace office desk filled with stacks of cluttered paperwork.
August 22, 2022/Mental Health

Is It Clutter or Hoarding? How To Help With Both

How to clear your physical (and mental) space

A person covers their face while in a crowded room
May 23, 2022/Wellness

HALT: Pay Attention to These Four Stressors on Your Recovery

HALT — hungry, angry, lonely, tired — is a reminder to check in with yourself

Stop overthinking strategies
May 18, 2022/Mental Health

How To Stop Overthinking: Tips and Coping Strategies

Here’s how to keep excessive worrying in check

Two people holding hands in a comforting way
February 16, 2022/Uncategorized

What Ambiguous Loss Is and How To Deal With It

A psychologist shares ways to cope with a lack of closure

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