Tag: depression

Person sitting with multiple arms trying to juggle multiple tasks, with same person with hand on head
May 17, 2024/Mental Health

What Is High-Functioning Depression? Signs and Symptoms

People with high-functioning depression may not seem depressed on the outside, but the condition can cause turmoil on the inside

Person sitting in bed in the evening, reading a book, with cup of tea on bedside table
May 15, 2024/Sleep

Restless? Try These Bedtime Teas for Better Sleep

Chamomile, lavender and valerian root teas may offer a faster route to dreamland

healthcare provider writing in notes, with glucometer, blood droplet, medicine and approved foods floating near

How Stress and Depression Affect Diabetes

A diabetes diagnosis, new or long-standing, can trigger reactions like grief, stress, depression and frustration, but symptom relief and help are available

group of coworkers arguing and pointing fingers
March 7, 2024/Mental Health

The Best Ways To Manage Your Anger

Rather than letting feelings of anger take over, try turning to self-awareness, mindfulness and time-outs


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person pulling open blue curtains to sunshine
March 4, 2024/Mental Health

Not Feeling Like Yourself Lately? How To Get Out of a Funk

Connecting with others, going for a walk or focusing on sleep quality can help more than you might realize

Person talking with therapist in a private setting
January 4, 2024/Mental Health

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Mental Health on the Backburner

You may not always notice it, but your mental health has just as big of an impact on your well-being as your physical health

Person huddled on floor with arms around knees with thought bubbles above head
January 3, 2024/Mental Health

Anxiety vs. Depression: Which Do I Have (or Is It Both)?

Although different conditons, they can occur together or cause one another

Person in foreground hunched over in sadness as family decorates holiday tree in background
December 12, 2023/Mental Health

How To Handle Holiday Depression When It Hits Home

The holidays can be hard on your mental health, but there are ways to cope

Someone comforting a depressed person
September 20, 2023/Mental Health

What Does Depression Feel Like?

More than just ‘deep sadness,’ this complex condition is often a whole-body experience

Person walking in park with ear buds and listening to smartphone.
September 7, 2023/Mental Health

What To Do When You Feel Depressed

Learning your warning signs can help push back against an episode of depression

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