Tag: healthy snacks

male kid eating celery sticks with peanutbutter at table with homework
January 11, 2024/Children's Health

Snack Attack: 6 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids

Look for snacks that are low in sugar and high in fiber, protein and healthy fats

Parent sharing bowl of nuts with children while on road trip.
October 1, 2023/Nutrition

Healthy Snacks on the Go for Your Next Flight or Road Trip

Plan ahead, bring a cooler when possible and don’t forget the water!

fruit spring rolls
April 17, 2023/Recipes

Recipe: Fruit Salad Spring Rolls

A fun, fruity twist makes for a delicious and healthy dessert

Person taking a helping of green olives at the dinner table.
January 2, 2023/Nutrition

7 Reasons Why Olives Are Healthy for You

They’re packed with nutrients like vitamin E, are heart-healthy and keep you feeling full


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Two older people watching a sports event.
October 27, 2022/Heart Health

How Rooting for Your Team Can Hurt Your Heart (and Not Just Emotionally)

The stress of a high-stakes game can trigger a heart attack in people who are at high risk

Garden chive bean dip in bowl on tray with cut vegetables.
October 16, 2022/Recipes

Recipe: Garden Chive Bean Dip

This delicious dip is loaded with protein and healthy fat

Bowl of almonds and plate of dried apricots.
August 11, 2022/Nutrition

Quick Snacks To Help Kick Your Sugar Craving

Fuel your body with healthy options that combine fiber-rich carbs, lean protein and healthy fats

Person eats potato chips while watching television in a dark room
June 30, 2021/Nutrition

Late-Night Snacks That Wreck Your Diet (and Sleep)

These foods sabotage weight loss and rob you of rest

healthy snacks at work
February 11, 2021/Nutrition

5 Tips To Help You Snack Healthier at Work

What you eat between meals matters

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