Tag: medical emergencies

Man in coma in hospital with IV hanging in foreground.
September 14, 2023/Primary Care

Why You Need a Medical Power of Attorney

This role designates a stand-in partner when you can’t make medical decisions for yourself

shower on during a thunderstorm
August 21, 2023/Wellness

Striking Facts About Showering During a Thunderstorm

Lightning can strike indoors, even with plastic plumbing — and that includes in the shower

spilled pills on table top
April 20, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

How To Help Someone Who Overdoses

You must act fast to save a life

A patient talks with doctor during their office appointment.
March 26, 2023/Primary Care

30 Types of Doctors and What They Do

The best way to figure out which kind you need is to first speak with your primary care provider


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Water stream from faucet falls on burn located on hand.
January 9, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

Never Put Ice on a Burn

Ice (and icy water) can actually make a burn worse, not better

A person holding a blood bag that is labeled O negative blood
June 8, 2022/Wellness

What Does It Mean To Be a Universal Blood Donor?

People of any blood type can receive donations of Type O-negative blood

Illustration of a person holding phone and dialing 911
April 7, 2022/Heart Health

What Should You Do if Someone Is Having a Heart Attack?

Get the answer from an interventional cardiologist

Babysitter and child braving the playground slide
July 8, 2019/Children's Health

5 Things Your Babysitter Needs When You Take an Extended Trip

Ensure your child’s safety with emergency consent letter

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