Tag: poison control

Young child coloring with crayons
December 7, 2023/Children's Health

Are Crayons Toxic? What To Do if Your Kid Eats One

They’re nontoxic, but crayons can cause an upset stomach and pose a serious choking hazard

Curious toddler exploring mom's makeup case, holding foundation tube.
July 30, 2023/Children's Health

Keep These Bathroom Items Out of Kids’ Reach

Many cosmetic products can cause poisoning and chemical burns

Person with blue shirt is holding vitamin bottle and other hand is holding one vitamin.
April 20, 2023/Diet, Food & Fitness

Vitamin A Toxicity: How Much Vitamin A Is Too Much?

Vitamin A toxicity can cause drug interactions, fetal development issues and other side effects

a death cap mushroom
March 23, 2023/Digestive

Poisonous Mushrooms: What To Know

Mushroom poisoning is real — and it can cause liver failure


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Boiling water on stove top.
March 2, 2023/Wellness

What Your Well Water Says About Your Health

Testing your well water system annually can help prevent contaminants and bacterial overgrowth

Button batteries.
November 21, 2022/Children's Health

What To Do if Your Kid Eats a Button Battery

These little batteries can do severe damage — go to the ER immediately

foraging for dandelion leaves
April 19, 2022/Nutrition

Foraging 101: What To Eat (and Avoid)

Learn how to properly identify what’s edible — and inedible — in the wild

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