Tag: sleep

Person sitting in bed in the evening, reading a book, with cup of tea on bedside table
May 15, 2024/Sleep

Restless? Try These Bedtime Teas for Better Sleep

Chamomile, lavender and valerian root teas may offer a faster route to dreamland

Person asleep in bed, talking in their sleep
May 3, 2024/Sleep

Why Do People Talk in Their Sleep?

Many factors can contribute to sleep talking, like stress or anxiety, lack of or low-quality sleep, or even more serious sleep-related conditions

Young child in bed reading at night
May 2, 2024/Children's Health

Nighty-Night: Tips To Get Your Kid To Stay In Bed

A consistent, structured routine, which may include incentives, can help children learn to stay in bed and get the ZZZs they need

Tired cancer patient reading at night
February 27, 2024/Cancer Care & Prevention

The Link Between Insomnia and Cancer Treatment

Medications, tubing and stress can steal away the ZZZs you need


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Baby in onesie asleep on back
February 12, 2024/Children's Health

When Can I Put My Baby To Sleep on Their Stomach?

Your baby needs to able to roll in both directions before they can make the switch

woman sleeping with eye open
February 6, 2024/Eye Care

Why Do Some People Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

Nocturnal lagophthalmos may be caused by damaged nerves or muscles in your face

person sitting on bed stretching
January 22, 2024/Sleep

How To Become a Morning Person

Break up with your snooze button by shifting your bedtime and establishing a consistent nighttime routine

happy female in yellow coat walking in woods
January 8, 2024/Wellness

Tips to Reduce Cortisol Levels and Dial Down Stress

Certain activities, foods and supplements can help calm your body

kid at bedroom desk stressing over a test while studying
December 13, 2023/Children's Health

How To Help Your Child Overcome Test Anxiety

Focus on a positive mindset, strong study habits and healthy living

glass of cherry juice with cherries on table
November 7, 2023/Nutrition

Sleepy Girl Mocktail: What’s in It and Does It Really Make You Sleep Better?

This social media sleep hack with tart cherry juice and magnesium could be worth a try

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