Tag: stuffy nose

Parent uses manual baby aspirator to open up nasal passages of baby.
November 21, 2023/Children's Health

Prevent Phlegm in Your Baby’s Throat With a Nasal Aspirator

Keeping your baby’s airways clear of mucus helps with breathing and feeding

person blowing nose on sofa
October 5, 2023/Primary Care

Why Do I Sometimes Get Congested in One Nostril?

It’s usually the way your nose manages airflow, but sometimes, it could be other issues

An adult sitting at a table while holding a child and helping them blow their nose
December 20, 2021/Children's Health

How To Help Your Baby or Toddler Clear Their Stuffy Nose

Mucus removal tips from a pediatrician

man putting garlic in nose

Can Putting Garlic in Your Nose Relieve Congestion?

Here’s one TikTok trend you shouldn’t try


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Surprising Relief for Your Stuffy Nose? Have Sex | Photo of blue tissue box with crumpled tissues beside it
March 21, 2018/Allergies

Surprising Relief for Your Stuffy Nose? Have Sex

Why being intimate can lower congestion

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