Tag: sciatica

person grabbing foot with both hands

What That Pins-and-Needles Feeling Really Means

It typically happens when blood flow is blocked when a limb rests in the same position too long

man sleeping
March 10, 2021/Brain & Nervous System

How to Get Better Sleep With Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain can keep you up — here’s how to get relief

Pregnant woman sitting with husband on couch
December 30, 2019/Pregnancy & Childbirth

How to Handle Sciatica During Your Pregnancy

Tips for getting relief from a common pain of pregnancy


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Man with back pain
April 23, 2019/Chronic Pain

Hands-On Help: How a Chiropractor Can Provide Lower Back or Sciatica Pain Relief

Manual therapy offers relief without the unwanted side effects of medication

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