Tag: brain health

A white bowl placed on a wooden table filled with dried dates for snacking.
June 18, 2023/Nutrition

The Sweet Health Benefits of Dates

From improving gut health to helping with childbirth, dates are a nutritional powerhouse

left and right half of brain making a light bulb

Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Are You Really One or the Other?

Different parts are responsible for different things, but you use both sides all the time

Person eating fresh strawberries from a white bowl.
March 29, 2023/Nutrition

All the Reasons You Should Eat Strawberries

These berries benefit your memory, boost your immune system and keep your heart healthy

Zombies and viruses side by side.
March 29, 2023/Infectious Disease

The Science Behind Zombie Viruses and Infections

The concept of infection is rooted in scientific truth


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Owner hiking with dog on a pathway in the woods.
February 8, 2023/Wellness

The Health Benefits of Pets

They can provide social, physical, mental and emotional boosts!

Variety of mushrooms.
December 22, 2022/Nutrition

7 Impressive Reasons To Eat Mushrooms

How this nutrient-rich fungus can boost your health

Game controll in foreground with video gamer playing on computer in the background.
November 14, 2022/Children's Health

Are Video Games Good for You and Your Brain?

While playing can increase brain matter and improve cognitive function, balance is key

A wooden sudoku board.
November 6, 2022/Senior Health

5 Ways To Improve Your Brain Health and Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

Play games, pick up a hobby, stay social and get moving!

Adult swimming.
September 26, 2022/Diet, Food & Fitness

How Exercise Protects Your Brain’s Health

Exercise that gets your heart pumping helps keep your body and brain in tip-top shape

A drawing of a woman holding her head with a fog surrounding her

Strategies for Busting Up Brain Fog

Brain fog has many symptoms and many possible underlying conditions

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