Tag: nausea

Teacup of tea and plate of toast
February 2, 2024/Primary Care

What To Eat, Drink and Avoid When You Have the Stomach Flu

Start slowly with clear fluids, and then move to bland, easy-to-digest foods

Foods to help a stomachache feel better include bananas, crackers, rice, toast and oatmeal.
October 25, 2023/Primary Care

5 Ways To Get Rid of a Stomachache

Help your aching belly by staying hydrated, eating bland foods and avoiding certain foods

Ginger tea in a clear glass cup surrounded by ginger root with honey and lemons in the background.
October 24, 2023/Primary Care

Does Ginger Ale Really Help With Nausea?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the fizzy drink typically doesn’t contain any real ginger

berries, fruit and vegetables with fiber

What To Eat (and Avoid) When You Have an Upset Stomach

Different symptoms call for different menus


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Person suffering from nausea standing in bathroom.
April 30, 2023/Women's Health

Can Hot Flashes Cause Nausea?

Nausea isn’t a common side effect, but it’s not unheard of, especially if you deal with anxiety

Ginger Tea health benefits
January 30, 2023/Nutrition

Why Ginger Offers Health Benefits

Pain relief and nausea reduction are just two of this root’s many positive attributes

Person doubled over in pain due to food poisoning.
August 4, 2022/Digestive

How Long Food Poisoning Lasts and What To Do About It

Food poisoning typically passes within 12 to 48 hours, with symptoms including diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain and vomiting

Illustration of pregnant woman sick in bathroom

Can You Get Morning Sickness at Night?

Despite its name, pregnancy nausea and queasiness can strike any time, day or night

man with stomach pain
April 7, 2022/Digestive

8 Potential Warning Signs of Stomach Cancer

Nausea, heartburn and weight loss may signal more is going on with your GI system

man sick wants to vomit
April 4, 2022/Digestive

Vomiting 101: Why You Throw Up and the Best Way To Recover

Drink small amounts of water for a few hours after throwing up

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