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Our experts share tips on all aspects of health and wellness, trends and how to live healthier every day. Catch up on the latest advice, organized by publication date.

Person sitting on grass in park, drinking from reusable water bottle, with people on bench with reusable water bottles
August 15, 2024/Primary Care

Your Water Bottle May Be Growing Mold: Here’s How To Prevent It

Mold and bacteria in your reusable water bottle can cause health issues like infections, respiratory issues and allergic reactions

Smiling person with double chin
August 15, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

How Do I Get Rid of My Pesky Double Chin?

Seeing double (chins) when taking selfies? From exercises to surgery, you can reduce or eliminate chin fat, but there’s no overnight solution

Female breastfeeding in baby's room
August 15, 2024/Women's Health

Yes, You Can Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding

You may have a lower chance of getting pregnant while nursing — but it’s still possible

Sweaty construction worker in yellow hard hat drinking water from a plastic bottle
August 14, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

8 Methods To Help You Stop Sweating

Stay cool by wearing breathable clothes, eating certain foods and using an antiperspirant


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Oversized medical chart, glucose meter, pill bottle, with a normal-sized healthcare provider giving thumbs up
August 14, 2024/Heart Health

What’s the Connection Between Statins and Diabetes?

Some statins have been shown to slightly increase your risk of diabetes — but that shouldn’t keep you from taking the medication you need

Happy elementary school kids smiling, eating lunches at table
August 14, 2024/Children's Health

Building a Healthy Lunch for Students

A well-balanced lunch should include a protein, whole grain, fruit and vegetables, and a healthy snack

Person wondering about glucose and dextrose, with foods hovering around
August 13, 2024/Nutrition

What You Should Know About Glucose and Dextrose

These simple sugars give us energy, but they can also raise blood sugar levels

Person spraying antipersperant into their armpit at home, kitty on chair
August 13, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Antiperspirant vs. Deodorant: What’s the Difference?

One reduces the amount of sweat, while the other masks body odor

Older woman in bathrobe, holding coffee cup, looking window into the neighborhood
August 13, 2024/Infectious Disease

What Are the COVID-19 Guidelines These Days?

Most people can return to work and regular life when they’re symptom-free for 24 hours

Red berry sauce over glass container of yogurt, with spoon balanced on top
August 13, 2024/Recipes

Recipe: Red Fruit Frozen Yogurt Topping

A bright and warm topping for a cool summer treat

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