Hearing aids can be enough for some people, but other devices — like for your phone, TV and fire alarm — can help, too
While similar, one may make you feel lightheaded, while the other can cause a spinning sensation
It’s OK if congestion forces you to take a break from using this breathing device
Untreated hearing loss can affect kids’ speech and language development and their overall quality of life
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Voice rehabilitation and technological devices are helpful tools for voice recovery
Turning your head to the side and pulling your ear up and back is one common tactic for relief
Dry air and acid reflux are just two of the many possible causes of your scratchy throat
Ear plugs, bathing caps, hydrogen peroxide and hair dryers can all help keep ears clean and dry
It’s best to allow yourself to sneeze naturally, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or turn into your elbow to help prevent the spread of germs
Dry air, allergies or nose-picking may be to blame for nighttime epistaxis