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Search Results for: breathing

A woman sitting on the floor meditating with a cute dog in front of her
September 30, 2021/Brain & Nervous System

What to Keep in Mind While Doing Yoga with Scoliosis

… a more limited range of motion than someone who doesn’t have scoliosis. But yoga includes poses, breathing techniques and an overall mindset that offer something for everybody — and for every body.Which poses you …

Different yoga styles
June 2, 2022/Wellness

7 Different Kinds of Yoga and How To Find the Right Practice

… Stressful situations trigger your nervous system to release adrenaline, a hormone that increases your heart rate and breathing.“This fight-or-flight response helped our ancestors escape dangerous situations, like a charging lion,” explains Dr …

woman looking out rainy window
January 25, 2021/Allergies

3 Health Conditions That Stormy Weather Can Make Worse

… can bring on symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and noisy or fast breathing.“The pollen becomes airborne and more respirable — meaning easier to inhale— and that can set off someone …

stress factors floating around person with eczema on arms
February 8, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Eczema and Stress: What’s the Connection?

… how your body reacts during stressful times. You can feel it, right? Your heart rate jumps, your breathing gets deeper and every nerve ending seems to crackle like a live electrical wire.This natural “fight …


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Person walking on treadmill.
September 29, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Starting a Workout Routine

… taking two steps, exhale through pursed lips while taking the next four steps. Learn to walk so breathing in and exhaling out become a habit once you find a comfortable breathing rate.Try to increase …

Person sleeping in bed with tape on mouth to stop snoring.
September 8, 2022/Sleep

Mouth Taping: Is It Safe?

… instead of your mouth. But why would a mouth breather ever be interested in changing their habits?Breathing through your nose may have various benefits that breathing through your mouth doesn’t have, including:Lowering …

large cloud of smoke rising above the top of a forest
October 11, 2021/Lung

How Wildfire Smoke Impacts Your Health

Wildfires are becoming a more regular occurrence as increasingly hot, dry weather turns forests into tinder. In addition to the damage these out-of-control blazes inflict on structures and the landscape, the effects of …

Person with rash surrounded by circles featuring small illustrations of food, pets, and plants
March 2, 2022/Allergies

What To Do for an Allergic Reaction

Pollen, dust, animal dander, nuts, shellfish and other foods — these can all cause an allergic reaction in susceptible people.Symptoms can range from being mildly uncomfortable and annoying to serious and life-threatening. So, it …

woman covering ears while husband snores in bed
November 5, 2020/Sleep

Is Your Spouse a Heroic Snorer? 3 Tips to Quieter Sleep

That’s not a train horn going off again — it’s your partner’s snoring. Does your partner snore so loud you can hear it two bedrooms away? You might have a heroic snorer in …

employee at bakery wearing a mask and working
August 7, 2020/Primary Care

Tips for Staying Cool While Wearing a Mask When It’s Hot

If you’re just running into the grocery store, wearing a cloth face mask for a few minutes isn’t a huge inconvenience for most people. But if you work outside or go to work …

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