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Search Results for: breathing

goosebumps on an arm
March 28, 2023/Primary Care

Goosebumps: The What, When and Why

The human body is an incredible thing. At any given moment, it’s performing a ton of complex physiological processes — like breathing and digesting — without the help of our conscious mind. It’s somewhat awe …

female with hand on chest holding inhaler in other hand, with of breathlessness float in background
January 5, 2024/Lung

Preventing COPD Exacerbations and Flare-Ups

Breathe in. Breathe out. Most people don’t give it a second thought. But if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing difficulties are a part of life. And a flare-up of symptoms …

melatonin dreams
August 6, 2021/Sleep

Can Melatonin Cause Bad Dreams? What Experts Say

When you’re unable to sleep, you have many potential options to induce snoozing: drinking tea or warm milk, meditation or doing deep breathing exercises.In recent years, many people have turned to melatonin — a …

woman using pap machine while sleeping
June 10, 2020/Sleep

Can PAP Therapy Machines Increase the Risk of Spreading the Coronavirus?

Imagine always feeling tired.You think you’re getting enough sleep, but you really aren’t. What you might not realize is that your breathing is being interrupted throughout the night. Your airway might close …


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Older woman sleeping and snoring occasionally
February 19, 2019/Sleep

Sleep Apnea Especially Dangerous for Women’s Hearts

Obstructive sleep apnea ― a condition that’s often accompanied by severe snoring ― is a common, yet dangerous sleep disorder that involves short periods of stopped breathing during sleep.A recent study shows the condition may …

elderly woman using inhaler for asthma attack
October 7, 2020/Lung

Why Asthma Can Hit You Harder as an Adult

Stepping outside for a deep breath of fresh air is one of life’s simple pleasures. But for some people, that same deep breath can prompt breathing difficulties or chest-tightening.If this sounds familiar …

woman holding hormone therapy birth control pills
November 5, 2020/Women's Health

Hormones, Blood Clots and COVID-19: Should You Be Worried?

Within the last few months, blood clots were added to the constantly changing list of COVID-19 symptoms. They’ve also been the source of COVID toes, breathing problems and a number of other medical …

Overweight man with diabetes snoring in front of TV

Sleep Apnea Can Make Managing Diabetes More Difficult: What You Need To Know

By Andrea Harris and Sue Cotey, RNsDo you snore? Do you feel fatigued every day? Do you wake up frequently throughout the night? It may be that the shallow breathing or breaks in breathing caused …

children in car suffering from secondhand smoke

Yes, You Can Still Get Lung Cancer If You Don’t Smoke

If you think you’re safe from lung cancer because you’ve never smoked, think again. While cigarette smoking is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer, you also can get it from breathing secondhand …

person running from a scary figure
November 16, 2023/Mental Health

Always on Alert: Causes and Examples of Hypervigilance

You’re walking to your car late at night when you hear a noise. It could just be the wind rustling the trees, but it could also be something else. Your body tenses. Your breathing …

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