Tag: inflammation

Bowls of processed snacks, potato chips, carmel corn, pretzels, cheese puffs
April 29, 2024/Wellness

5 Types of Foods That Cause Inflammation

Cut back on foods made with added sugars, trans fats, refined carbs, omega-6 fatty acids and processed meats

Salmon over lentils and carrots
April 15, 2024/Nutrition

Psoriasis and Diet: How Foods Can Impact Inflammation

A well-balanced diet with anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce flare-ups and severity of psoriasis symptoms

Healthcare provider holding bottle of prescription medication
April 12, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

These Common Triggers Likely Cause Your Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Stress, infections, skin injuries and environmental factors can trigger an onset of psoriasis symptoms

Person sitting in a yoga pose with calming vegetation behind them
April 8, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

10 Easy Steps To Prevent and Manage Your Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Stick to your treatment plan, but keep your provider updated on any new symptoms or triggers


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Older couple eating lunch on outdoor patio
February 15, 2024/Nutrition

Calories and Aging: Cutting Back Can Slow Age’s Creep

Calorie reduction can do more than just help you lose weight — it can also lower age-related inflammation

person holding a thermometer with stress thought bubbles above head
November 30, 2023/Rheumatology & Immunology

Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Stress Sickness

From nausea, weight gain and eczema, stress can affect your immune system in many ways

Top view of person sitting in bathtub with cold water and lots of ice.
November 26, 2023/Orthopaedics

Brrr! What To Know About Cold Plunges

An ice bath can ease sore muscles and decrease inflammation after a workout

person at grocery store reading oil label
October 3, 2023/Nutrition

Seed Oils: Are They Actually Toxic?

Often found in ultra-processed foods, these oils can cause inflammation and diseases

Dandelions steeping in hot water inside of a tea cup with a jar of honey in the foreground.
August 31, 2023/Nutrition

Dandelion Tea: What It Is and 5 Benefits

Weeds be gone! This tea contains lots of antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation

Person suffering from knee pain, holding their knee after running or walking outside.
July 20, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Tendinitis or Tendinosis? Why the Difference Is Important and What Treatments Help

Tendinitis is caused by inflammation, while tendinosis is the result of degeneration

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