Tag: swimming

Kids playing in ocean/sea waves
March 29, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Everything You Need To Know About Sea Lice and Seabather’s Eruption

Sea lice aren’t really lice, but these tiny creatures can trigger an unpleasant allergic reaction

Older male in helmet biking on forest trails
January 17, 2024/Exercise & Fitness

What Does ‘Moderate-Intensity Exercise’ Mean Anyway?

From gardening to walking for 30 or more minutes, you want to get your heart rate up 50% to 60%

People swim laps in lanes at indoor pool.
August 14, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Just Keep Swimming: 9 Health Benefits of Water Workouts

A lower-impact way to keep your heart strong and your mind sharp — and it’s so relaxing!

Person swims with flotation device in hands while doing laps at indoor pool.
August 13, 2023/Lung

Can Indoor Pools Cause Chlorine Cough?

Germ-killing chemicals in the water can lead to respiratory issues


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child swimming under water
July 23, 2023/Ear, Nose & Throat

How To Steer Clear of Swimmer’s Ear

Ear plugs, bathing caps, hydrogen peroxide and hair dryers can all help keep ears clean and dry

Closeup of wrinkles on fingers and hand due to water exposure for an extended period.
July 5, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

Why Water Turns Fingers and Toes Into Prunes

Your blood vessels shrink and your skin forms wrinkles to help you grip objects

Children swimming and snorkling in a public swimming pool.

‘Urine’ for Some Bad News: Peeing in a Pool Isn’t a Good Idea

Despite unhealthy side effects, 40% of adult Americans still pee in pools

2 people doing wall squats after run.
April 4, 2023/Orthopaedics

5 Best Exercises for Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain)

Wall squats and calf stretches are among the exercises that can help ease knee pain

woman having side cramps during workout
November 17, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Side Stitch: What It Is and How To Get Rid of the Pain

The painful diaphragm spasm can be prevented by warming up before physical activity

Jellyfish sting on wrist and thigh
July 11, 2022/Primary Care

Should You Pee on a Jellyfish Sting?

This persistent myth isn’t true and can actually cause more pain than relief

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