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Our experts share tips on all aspects of health and wellness, trends and how to live healthier every day. Catch up on the latest advice, organized by publication date.

People cheering on person with hearts floating around, reflecting on their relationship
August 29, 2024/Sex & Relationships

Is It Love or Limerence? Here’s How To Tell the Difference

Limerence feels more like addiction or obsession than romantic love

Plate full of an array of snack foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, pickles, cheese and bread
August 29, 2024/Nutrition

What Is ‘Girl Dinner’?

This quirky food trend is harmless, as long as you’re getting enough protein, fiber and healthy fats

Group of people outside in city, doing over-shoulder stretching
August 29, 2024/Exercise & Fitness

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching: Is One Better?

While one focuses on stretching through movement, the other requires holding poses for 30 to 90 seconds — both can have a place in your fitness routine

Rugged plate of mexican rice pilaf with fork on wooden table
August 29, 2024/Recipes

Recipe: Whole-Grain Mexican Pilaf

Ready in 15 minutes!


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Hot mug of lettuce water, with lettuce stalks nearby
August 28, 2024/Sleep

Can Lettuce Water Actually Help You Sleep?

While it’s rich in antioxidants, this leafy water trend is likely not much of a sleep inducer

Close up of face, sweating, eyes closed
August 28, 2024/Primary Care

7 Common Causes of Cold Sweats

It can be a warning sign of low blood sugar or something more serious like a heart attack

Person kneeled down tying running shoe on out door trail/track
August 28, 2024/Exercise & Fitness

How To Start a Running Program

With patience, planning and a little sweat, you can join the worldwide club of runners

Two tofu-stuffed manicotti displayed on a bed of sliced tomatoes
August 27, 2024/Recipes

Recipe: Tofu Manicotti With Spinach and Cheese

Enjoy a lighter option of this classic Italian fare

Three males sitting on couch chatting, eating pizza
August 27, 2024/Men's Health

Are Men Less Likely To Have Friends?

Men tend to have fewer deep friendships than women, but building close friendships can benefit mental health

Tofu and vegetables in enamel serving skillet
August 27, 2024/Nutrition

What You Need To Know About the Ornish Diet

This low-fat, plant-based eating plan includes lifestyle changes, such as exercise, stress management and social support

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