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Our experts share tips on all aspects of health and wellness, trends and how to live healthier every day. Catch up on the latest advice, organized by publication date.

Two tofu-stuffed manicotti displayed on a bed of sliced tomatoes
August 27, 2024/Recipes

Recipe: Tofu Manicotti With Spinach and Cheese

Enjoy a lighter option of this classic Italian fare

Three males sitting on couch chatting, eating pizza
August 27, 2024/Men's Health

Are Men Less Likely To Have Friends?

Men tend to have fewer deep friendships than women, but building close friendships can benefit mental health

Tofu and vegetables in enamel serving skillet
August 27, 2024/Nutrition

What You Need To Know About the Ornish Diet

This low-fat, plant-based eating plan includes lifestyle changes, such as exercise, stress management and social support

Close up of hazel-colored eye
August 27, 2024/Eye Care

20 Fascinating Facts About Eyes

It takes millions of moving parts within the eye to make the power of vision possible


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Person wearing goggles doing the back stroke in a pool
August 26, 2024/Orthopaedics

Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers: What They Are and How To Work Them

These fibers are your friend for aerobic and endurance exercises

Healthcare provider presenting giant-sized assorted medications
August 26, 2024/Brain & Nervous System

Natural Treatments for Tardive Dyskinesia: What’s Worth Trying?

There’s no strong evidence that vitamin B, vitamin E and ginkgo biloba will reduce TD symptoms — but they’re safe to try

Oversized germs and a giant eye with red in the sclera
August 26, 2024/Eye Care

COVID-19 and Pink Eye Are Possibly Connected

Studies have shown an increase in ophthalmic complications as a symptom of COVID-19

Mother gazing down at baby while breastfeeding
August 26, 2024/Children's Health

Can Your Baby Be Allergic to Your Breast Milk?

It’s highly unlikely your baby will have an allergic reaction to food you eat while you’re breastfeeding

Runner sprinting from starting line on track
August 23, 2024/Orthopaedics

Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers: What They Are and How To Build Them

Strength training and HIIT exercises can keep these vital muscle fibers strong

Assorted fruits, nuts and seeds in bowls and on table
August 23, 2024/Diabetes & Endocrinology

Thyroid Issue? Here’s What To Eat and What To Avoid

No diet can cure hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, but some foods and supplements can cause trouble

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