Primary Care

Foods to help a stomachache feel better include bananas, crackers, rice, toast and oatmeal.
October 25, 2023/Primary Care

5 Ways To Get Rid of a Stomachache

Help your aching belly by staying hydrated, eating bland foods and avoiding certain foods

Ginger tea in a clear glass cup surrounded by ginger root with honey and lemons in the background.
October 24, 2023/Primary Care

Does Ginger Ale Really Help With Nausea?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the fizzy drink typically doesn’t contain any real ginger

people finding their seats on airplane
October 19, 2023/Primary Care

How Airplane Travel Affects Your Body

Flying can cause dehydration and bloating and make you feel tired and stressed

Closeup of a person washing their hands
October 18, 2023/Primary Care

Why You Really Should Wash Your Hands After Using the Bathroom (Every Single Time!)

Technique matters — and research suggests most of us still aren’t doing it right


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Closeup of a toddler with a yeast infection in their armpit.
October 12, 2023/Primary Care

Where Can You Get a Yeast Infection on Your Body?

Your face? Your armpits? Your butt? Yes, yeast infections can affect many parts of your body

person blowing nose on sofa
October 5, 2023/Primary Care

Why Do I Sometimes Get Congested in One Nostril?

It’s usually the way your nose manages airflow, but sometimes, it could be other issues

person giving a self-injection to abdomen
September 19, 2023/Primary Care

How To Give Yourself a Subcutaneous Injection

Collect your supplies, wash your hands, prep the site ... and take a deep breath

Man in coma in hospital with IV hanging in foreground.
September 14, 2023/Primary Care

Why You Need a Medical Power of Attorney

This role designates a stand-in partner when you can’t make medical decisions for yourself

Closeup of Parent putting bandaid on child's hurt knee.
August 28, 2023/Primary Care

When Does a Cut Need Stitches?

If the area is bleeding a lot or it’s near your face or genitalia, it may be time to head to the ER

wasp on person's skin
August 7, 2023/Primary Care

Simple Steps To Treat Bee and Wasp Stings — Plus Tips To Prevent Them

If stung, removing the stinger quickly is key — then, apply a cold compress to soothe

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