Tag: high blood pressure

Someone feeling light-headed, seeing birds and stars
February 1, 2023/Heart Health

The Link Between Dehydration and Blood Pressure

Not drinking enough fluids can send your blood pressure on a rollercoaster ride

Three vegan meals of organic curry, an alternative soy meat burger and tofu salad displayed on a wooden table.
December 11, 2022/Nutrition

What Is Veganuary? And Why You Should Take the Challenge

Going vegan in January can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure and more

High potassium foods.
November 21, 2022/Heart Health

6 Natural Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Aerobic exercise, a low-sodium diet and reduced alcohol consumption can all help

Closeup of older business person yawning into hand.
November 13, 2022/Heart Health

Can High Blood Pressure Make You Feel Tired?

Fatigue is more likely caused by low blood pressure or another condition


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A pregnant person using a blender with fruits and vegetables.
September 29, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Gestational Diabetes: How To Cut Your Risk of High Blood Sugar

Watch your diet, exercise regularly and get a blood glucose level screening early

Bulbs of garlic on a cutting board.
September 14, 2022/Heart Health

Does Garlic Lower Blood Pressure?

It could help with hypertension, but skip the supplement and enjoy garlic in your food instead

woman suffering from dizziness
July 12, 2022/Heart Health

Can High Blood Pressure Make You Feel Dizzy?

Dizziness typically falls into two categories

woman in bed with headached
May 30, 2022/Heart Health

High Blood Pressure and Headaches: Is There a Link?

Understanding when it may (and may not) be the culprit

A person does exercise activities in their home.
January 30, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

How Exercise Helps Lower Blood Pressure and 8 Activities To Try

Cardio and strength training can strengthen your heart

anatomical illustration of a heart against a blue background
January 20, 2022/Heart Health

How Making Your Heart Work Harder Makes It Stronger

Unlock the secret of your body’s hardest-working organ

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