Tag: nasal congestion

person with fall allergies
October 30, 2023/Allergies

Achoo! Learn More About Fall Allergies

Autumn allergens typically begin to bloom — and release their pesky pollen — around August

Elderly woman asleep with CPAP positioned over nose.

Should You Use a CPAP Machine When You’re Sick?

It’s OK to take a break while you’re sick, but using your PAP device could help you feel better

person getting a sinus massage between brows

5 Sinus Massage Techniques To Relieve Pressure and Promote Drainage

A gentle touch in all the right places may help drain your sinuses

nasal spray
May 15, 2023/Allergies

This Is Why Your Nasal Spray Stopped Working (and What To Do About It)

‘Rebound congestion’ happens when your body starts to rely on decongestant nasal spray


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woman using nuti pot

Neti Pots Explained: How the Device Helps Clear Your Nasal Passages

Using a saline solution, they help relieve sinus pressure and remove excessive mucus

Person reclining on couch using nasel spray to alleviate pressure in sinuses.
January 11, 2023/Ear, Nose & Throat

Relieve Sinus Congestion and Pressure at Home

From nasal sprays to neti pots, these home remedies can help relieve your symptoms

Person holding nasal spray.

Nasal Sprays Work Best When You Use Them Correctly — Here’s How

Correct positioning is one of the keys to getting the best results

An illustration of a person's head being examined by a doctor and another person carrying nasal spray
July 5, 2022/Allergies

Nasal Spray for Allergies: What to Know and How to Choose

They’re the best way to manage your seasonal allergies

person taking laundry out of the washer
April 25, 2022/Allergies

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

A natural approach may help resolve that sneezing and runny nose

man putting garlic in nose

Can Putting Garlic in Your Nose Relieve Congestion?

Here’s one TikTok trend you shouldn’t try

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