Tag: posture

Person stretching neck at work desk in front of monitor
April 5, 2024/Exercise & Fitness

8 Posture Exercises To Sit and Stand Straighter

Simple exercises like wall angels and pelvic tilts can help keep your body in an optimal position — and help undo years of improper posture habits

female looking down at smartphone, rubbing back of neck
December 18, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

How Your Smartphone May Be Giving You ‘Text Neck’

You can relieve this condition by improving your posture and using a variety of movements

woman in bed shoulder pain
May 25, 2023/Chronic Pain

Best Sleeping Positions for Pain

Finding a neutral position can ease stress on your back, neck and shoulders

Older person postioned sideways showing dowager hump.
April 10, 2023/Orthopaedics

Dowager’s Hump: What It Is and How To Get Rid of It

The hump at the base of your neck may be caused by osteoporosis or poor posture


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Person standing on road wearing sheepskin boots.
August 31, 2022/Orthopaedics

Are Soft Sheepskin Boots Hard on Your Feet?

The lack of arch support in the popular footwear can lead to numerous aches and pains

Person sitting up straight in chair while checking smartphone.
July 13, 2022/Orthopaedics

How To Improve Your Posture When You Have Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ease pain and stay active by keeping your spine in its proper position

A person sitting up on a bed with a laptop on their lap.
January 20, 2022/Wellness

What’s Causing Your Neck Pain?

Here’s why it may be happening and how you can find some relief

man at desk with back pain
August 5, 2021/Orthopaedics

Poor Posture Hurts Your Health More Than You Realize: Tips for Fixing It

A chiropractor offers guidance and simple exercises

older woman performing a yoga stretch
February 7, 2021/Exercise & Fitness

Can Yoga Make You Taller?

Get the scoop from a yoga pro

man suffering from tension headache
November 24, 2020/Primary Care

Easing Your Tension Headaches: 7 Tips From a Chiropractor

Bad habits that lead to headaches and how to overcome them

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