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Tag: alcohol

beer glass sitting beside diabetes testing equipment
October 12, 2023/Diabetes & Endocrinology

Diabetes and Alcohol: Do They Mix?

Blood glucose monitoring and drinking in moderation can help you avoid hypoglycemia

Person sitting in a chair holding head and drinking a hot beverage while not fully operational.
September 28, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

How To Cure a Hangover

Time and rehydration are the best bet — and no, the ‘hair of the dog’ method isn’t a good idea

college students looking at a cell phone
September 8, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

#BORG: A Viral TikTok Trend Is Taking Off Dangerously Among College Students

‘Blackout rage gallons’ promote unsafe drinking behavior

Person flushed when drinking wine at a friend's party.
July 7, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

Why Your Face Gets Beet Red When You Drink

An enzyme deficiency or rosacea may be behind the facial flush


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Child with fever has wet washcloth on forehead.

Never Use Rubbing Alcohol To Bring Down a Fever

It can cause alcohol poisoning and other serious health issues, especially in kids

Empty liquor bottles and glasses in front of a brown cloud.
March 13, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

Blackouts and Your Brain: How To Avoid Memory Loss

Excess alcohol and substance use can cause temporary and permanent memory loss

Red wine being poured.
March 9, 2023/Heart Health

Is Red Wine Good for Your Heart?

Studies point to potential benefits, but don’t open a bottle just to improve your health

Person writing in tablet.
March 2, 2023/Mental Health

Done With Alcohol? Here’s How To Stop Drinking

Set a date, avoid triggers, and get help and support along the way

Close up of a liver.
February 28, 2023/Digestive

How Long Does It Take Your Liver to Detox From Alcohol?

Partial healing begins a few weeks after you quit drinking

Variety of fruits.
January 18, 2023/Nutrition

The 6 Best Foods for Hangovers

Hydrating and bland foods can help you survive the morning after

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