Tag: pain relief

Person touching aching ear, with home remedies floating around
March 28, 2024/Ear, Nose & Throat

Home Remedies for an Ear Infection: What To Try and What To Avoid

Not all ear infections need antibiotics — cold and warm compresses and changing up your sleep position can help

Various bath products displayed on shelf in shower
December 27, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

Here’s Why Your Eczema Keeps Flaring Up

Eczema triggers are different for everyone, but there are some common ways to manage and prevent flare-ups

Hands holding two different kinds of pain medications separated by a white line.
February 23, 2023/Primary Care

Is It Safe To Take Acetaminophen With Ibuprofen?

You can alternate these OTCs to help with pain control and fever reduction

Ginger Tea health benefits
January 30, 2023/Nutrition

Why Ginger Offers Health Benefits

Pain relief and nausea reduction are just two of this root’s many positive attributes


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Mother giving child medicine to take with water.
December 29, 2022/Children's Health

What To Do During the Children’s Medicine Shortage

Now’s the time to teach older kids to swallow pills

Close-up photo of kidney stones

Are There Home Remedies for Kidney Stones?

Make these lifestyle changes to help prevent kidney stones

An older adult sitting on a couch making a fist with both hands
November 15, 2021/Chronic Pain

What Is the Spoon Theory Metaphor for Chronic Illness?

This analogy can help you explain the daily struggle of chronic pain

carpel tunnel brace on wrist while working on computer
August 12, 2021/Orthopaedics

How To Get Relief for Carpal Tunnel Pain at Home

7 tricks to try to ease the tingling pain

marijuana and blank prescription pad
June 24, 2021/Chronic Pain

Why Using Cannabis to Manage Pain Isn’t Yet Recommended by Pain Doctors

An expert gives the latest updates about ongoing research

Kinesio Tape knee osteoarthritis

Can Kinesio Tape Help with Osteoarthritis?

An expert explains the potential benefits

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