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What Are ‘The Twisties’ in Gymnastics?

The mental block is a brain-body disconnect that causes gymnasts to lose their sense of space on flips

Gymnasts performing different gymnastics

Gymnasts invest thousands of training hours perfecting gravity-defying routines. Day after day at practice, they build up muscle memory to guide their bodies through flips and twists. It takes years to refine these skills.


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But all that work can be undone in an instant with a case of “the twisties,” a mental block that creates a dangerous disconnect between mind and body while gymnasts are airborne.

At its worst, the twisties can ground even the world’s most high-flying gymnasts.

So, what causes this performance condition and — perhaps more importantly — can it be reversed? Let’s take a closer look at the twisties with the help of sports psychologist Matthew Sacco, PhD.

What are the twisties?

Achieving in gymnastics requires mastery of movement through repetition. As gymnasts learn skills, they build neural pathways in their brains that instruct muscles to act and respond in a certain way.

This brain-body connection is what allows a gymnast to rotate their body multiple times in a split-second during events like the vault. It becomes a trained instinct, with no on-the-spot thinking needed.

But the twisties interrupt that autonomous process.

“All of a sudden, there’s a disconnect in the feedback loop,” explains Dr. Sacco. “The brain and body are no longer communicating efficiently, and that causes a gymnast to lose sense of where their body is in space while they’re in the air.”

Gymnasts have described the feeling as a mental “stutter step” with a loss of body control mid-flight. At that critical moment, they can’t make the necessary adjustments to safely land on their feet.


It’s a phenomenon that has sidelined the world’s best gymnasts given the risk of injury. “It’s a terrifying feeling when the twisties hit,” he adds.

The twisties are most often connected to gymnastics but can affect competitors in any sport where proprioception — or your body’s ability to sense movement and position — is essential. Other examples include diving and ski jumping.

What causes the twisties?

There’s no single answer as to what triggers the twisties. “It can be a little bit of everything and anything,” says Dr. Sacco.

Common factors include:

  • Stress. Anxiety and pressure can build over time before bursting into a case of the twisties. “There’s often a slow turning up of the heat that eventually turns into a boil,” he notes.
  • Perfectionism. Athletes sometimes set unattainable performance goals for themselves. That quest for perfection can grow into a mental obstacle over time.
  • Fixating on a mistake. One practice routine that feels “off” may cascade into a larger issue if a gymnast becomes hyper-focused on fixing what they think went wrong. (Analyzing video a little too closely for imperfections can fuel these feelings.)
  • Doubt. Landing a gymnastics maneuver takes supreme confidence. If doubt creeps into a gymnast’s mind for any reason, it can undermine their ability to perform and even lead to muscle twitches (focal dystonia) commonly known as the yips.

Are there levels to the twisties?

The twisties aren’t a one-size-fits-all condition. There are levels to it.

“It can occur in degrees,” clarifies Dr. Sacco. “It’s not unusual for a gymnast to have a moment or two when they feel the twisties coming on, but then they find a way to work it out and they’re out of it.”

Other times, the uncomfortable feeling can escalate until a gymnast can’t safely compete.

How can gymnasts stop the twisties?

The good news about the twisties? Gymnasts generally overcome the mental block and the fear it can bring using tactics like these:

  • Getting back to basics. Breaking down a complicated twist or flip into steps can help a gymnast chip away at the twisties. Consider it a relearning process. “Back things up and rebuild confidence,” recommends Dr. Sacco.
  • Jump into a foam pit. The big worry with the twisties is crashing on the floor during a landing. Jumping into a cushy foam pit offers a safe way to reconnect the mind and body without fear of getting hurt. “It’s a way to safely confront any fears,” he says.
  • Visualization. Gymnasts know their routines. Thinking maneuvers through from start to finish can help break down mental barriers. (Watching videos can help here if the focus is on what went right as opposed to what went wrong.)
  • Relaxation techniques. Melt away the stress behind the twisties and the condition may loosen its grip. Guided imagery may be an option, says Dr. Sacco. Ditto for box breathing and similar techniques.


If the twisties deeply take root and shut a gymnast down, talking to a mental health professional may also be an avenue to return to competition.

Final thoughts

The relationship between mental health and sports is complicated, acknowledges Dr. Sacco. It’s difficult for many to understand the powerful effect of an invisible condition (like the twisties) on an athlete.

“If you look at a gymnast with the twisties, they look fine,” he says. “There’s no cast that says something is broken. Because of that, there will always be some people who just don’t buy into it being a thing.”

But today, far more discussion takes place about the twisties and other performance-altering mental health issues in sports. High-profile athletes sharing their struggles have helped increase understanding.

“It’s great when these issues get out there and people can talk about it,” says Dr Sacco. “There’s comfort in knowing you’re not alone in dealing with something. It makes it much easier to ask for and get the help you might need.”


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