December 27, 2015/Nutrition

A Dietitian Can Help You Lose Weight, Feel Good

Power up your body with nutrients

Close-up of a shopping cart being pushed down the aisle in a grocery store

By: Laura Jeffers, MEd, RD, LD


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A common misperception about dietitians is that we’re strict, unreasonable and judgmental — that we’ll make you feel bad about what you eat.

In actuality, dietitians want to help you power up your body with nutrients so you feel good. The benefits aren’t just physical, but mental also, including clearer thinking. If you want this feeling but don’t know how to start, we can help.

RELATED: You Can Lose Weight and Keep It Off With ‘Mindful Eating’

How it works

If you come see us, here’s what to expect. We’ll ask what you usually eat; measure your height, weight and body-mass index; and talk to you about your medical history. Then, we’ll set goals, both short- and long-term. We’ll keep encouraging you because there may be some bumps along the way. That’s normal.

Specifically, a dietitian can help you:

  • Lose weight, improve digestion
    We work with you to plan meals and snacks so you can improve digestion, and lose weight if needed, in a safe, healthy and effective way. We help you understand nutrition information on food labels. We help you choose foods that make you feel good after a meal. Sometimes slight changes make a big difference.
  • Control chronic conditions
    We help you plan meals if you have diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease. If you have high blood pressure and cholesterol, we’ll work to cut sodium and fat. If you’re on medication for these conditions, we can help you lower your dosage — or eliminate these drugs entirely.

Let’s assume you’re looking to lose weight or you want to eat better to feel better. Here are four tips a dietitian might advise.

1. Seek out friendly fats

Not all fats are created equal. We all know trans fat and saturated fats are bad. (Rule of thumb for cooking oils: if they solidify after they cool, avoid!) Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the good guys. Poly fats include nuts, seeds, fatty fish and oils made of corn, flax seed, safflower and soy. Olives, avocados, canola and peanut oils are examples of mono fats.

2. Paint your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, but mix up your colors — green, orange, red — to get them all. Berries, pears and apples (skin on) are a great source of flavenoids. Leafy greens, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and white potatoes (skin on) supply phytochemicals, which are plant substances that prevent disease. Bell peppers, asparagus, carrots and broccoli are packed with carotenoids, being part of a group of plants with vibrant colors.

3. Load up on the good carbs

Carbohydrates are crucial because they energize us and supply fiber, but too much of the wrong kind turns into sugar and empty calories, and can kill your diet. We’ll steer you to the right kinds of carbs, like complex carbohydrates that include starchy vegetables and whole grains. A few examples: rolled oats in oatmeal, whole-grain cereals, brown rice and potatoes (skin on).

4. Choose protein from smart sources

Beef and pork have protein, but lower-fat, healthier options are chicken, fish and eggs/egg whites. Better yet: non-animal sources like nuts (enjoy an ounce a day —make your own trail mix with your favorites) and nut butters, lentils and beans. Vegetable and soy proteins are a great choice, with all kinds of alternative milks, cheeses and burgers available now.


If you need a minor tweak to your diet or a major overhaul, we’ll work with you. We want you to succeed and will support your goals for better health.

RELATED: Why Eating Less Red Meat Is Good for Your Family

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