December 12, 2022/Skin Care & Beauty

9 Skin Care Trends Worth Trying

From dermaplaning to double cleansing, these techniques and methods can help you save face

Person steaming their face as a part of their skincare routine.

Sure, we all have skin — but how we treat it and keep it clean and healthy can vary from person to person. And with a continual host of new trends popping up on TikTok and social media, it can be hard to figure out what methods or ingredients can help you achieve smooth, clear, younger-looking skin.


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But while you might want to skip face oils and not waste your money on a skin care fridge, there are other popular trends that can help you save face.

A gentle facial cleanser that removes dirt, oil and makeup

Feel like your traditional method of washing your face isn’t cutting it anymore? Try adding micellar water to your skin care routine, says dermatologist Alok Vij, MD. Made with purified water, mild surfactants and moisturizers, it can help remove dirt, oil and makeup to keep your skin clear without stripping away natural oils.

A plant-based soap that exfoliates and deep-cleans

African black soap, a plant-based soap from West Africa, contains natural antibacterial and exfoliating properties. Some ingredients can include cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter or palm oil. And using the soap a few times a week can help remove bacteria, deep-clean your skin, improve skin texture and tone, prevent razor burn and even help with mild rashes, says Dr. Vij.

Steam to moisturize and plump skin

Whether it’s a hot shower or a sauna, steam can make us feel better. And when it comes to your skin, a facial steam is easy enough to do at home and has plenty of benefits, says aesthetician Stephanie Diliberto. Not only can it help with blackhead removal, but a facial steam can also help your skin care products work better, provide extra hydration and plump your skin.


A massage for your face

While the jury is still out on facial exercises (about a 30-minute workout for your face to tone muscles and achieve a younger appearance), we can get behind a facial massage. This is a simple task you can do at home on yourself to help relax your facial muscles, release tension and stimulate blood flow (which can help make your skin “glow”), says dermatologist Shilpi Khetarpal, MD.

Oils to hydrate your skin and hair

Made from the nuts of the argan tree, argan oil has been around for centuries. Touted as “liquid gold,” you can find pure argan oil or products that contain the Moroccan-based ingredient. Thanks to its fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants, argan oil can benefit your hair by minimizing frizz and protecting against heat damage, says Dr. Khetarpal. It can also hydrate your skin and help increase the elasticity of your skin. Rose hip oil can also help improve the signs of aging.

A soap for fuller, fluffy brows

Is your medicine cabinet filled with pencils, powders, gels and wax all geared toward giving you luscious, fuller-looking eyebrows? While those methods may or may not work, don’t overlook the idea of using soap to get those fluffy brows. Soap brows, a secret of makeup artists, are easy to do, inexpensive and provide lasting results, says Dr. Vij.

A rinse-and-repeat routine to remove excess oil

While not for everyone, double cleansing can be helpful for those of us who have oily skin or want our skin care products to penetrate our skin better. According to dermatologist Jane Wu, MD, the idea is to first wash your face with an oil-based product (which can help remove any waterproof makeup or sunscreen), followed by a water-based cleanser (which can remove sweat and dirt).


A face shave that can give you smoother skin

There are professional skin resurfacing techniques like dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, but dermaplaning may be something you can do at home. Using a dermaplaning tool (a really tiny straight razor) can smooth and brighten your skin by removing peach fuzz and exfoliating your skin, says dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD. The key is to lightly rub the tool over your skin no more than once a week to avoid irritation.

A protective layer of jelly for your face

You’ve probably used petroleum jelly to soothe chapped lips or cracked heels, but you can also use it in a facial technique known as slugging. A part of your nighttime skin care routine, all you do is slather your face with a small amount of petroleum jelly, which forms a protective barrier on your skin, says dermatologist Amy Kassouf, MD. Wait 30 minutes before hopping into bed so it can sink in, preventing moisture loss and keeping harmful outside molecules from getting into your skin.

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