March 10, 2022/Skin Care & Beauty

The Benefits of Rose Hip Oil

Get your rosy glow on from head to toe

a bottle of rosehip oil

With skin care products, it seems like there’s a new Holy Grail ingredient every other minute. And with all of the promises of tightening, brightening, plumping or de-bumping, it’s hard to keep up.


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On the other hand, if you live for the latest products, you’ve most likely heard about rose hip oil or rose hip seed oil.

So, what’s the deal with rose hip oil and should you add it to your skin care regimen? Dermatologist Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, gives us the scoop on how to use this rose-gold goodness.

What is rose hip oil?

Rose hips are the fruit of roses and can be found under the flower’s petals. Filled with nutrient-rich seeds, this fruit is often used in teas, jellies, sauces, syrups and much more. Rose hips from wild roses and a species known as dog roses (Rosa canina) are often pressed to produce rose hip oil. The vivid orange bulbs give way to oil of a similar color.

Are rose hip oil and rose hip seed oil the same thing?

“They are the same thing and are harvested from the seeds of rose bushes. They are known for being rich in vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids like omega-3 (linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid),” explains Dr. Khetarpal.

Benefits of rose hip oil

Dr. Khetarpal says that if used correctly, rose hip oil can be combined with your skin regimen to enhance results. It can be used one or two times daily. Some of the reported rose hip oil benefits for your skin include:


Contains helpful nutrients

“Rose hip oil is rich in vitamins A, C, E and essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can improve signs of aging, pigmentation and moisturize the skin,” she says.

Can calm inflammation and help minimize fine lines

She adds that as rose hip oil is rich in vitamin A, it can help stimulate collagen and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also calm inflammation due to vitamin E and anthocyanin, the pigment that gives darker-colored fruits and vegetables their hues.

Improves acne

Is rose hip oil good for acne? According to Dr. Khetarpal, as it’s nutrient-rich, rose hip oil can help improve inflammatory acne and clear up acne scars. It can be used on your face and body, and you can find rose hip oil formulas that are noncomedogenic (won’t clog your pores).

Moisturizes skin

Since rose hip oil is loaded with fatty acids, it can help keep your skin hydrated. While you might think that this oil is extremely heavy, it’s fairly lightweight and easily absorbed by skin. Some people even use it to moisturize or deep condition their hair.

Before you slather it all over, Dr. Khetarpal recommends doing a skin patch test first to make sure it won’t irritate you.


“As with any topical product, there is a small chance of allergy. It is best to try a small amount on an area like the forearm prior to applying it to the entire face or body,” she suggests.

If you have oily skin, you might want to pass on this one. Rose hip oil has vitamin C in it and that can promote excess hydration. If you’re considering rose hip oil for the hair, you’ll want to avoid it if your hair is very fine because the oil could weigh it down.

What to look for when buying rose hip oil

Dr. Khetarpal says that rose hip oil can be applied directly to your skin when used in its pure form or used as a carrier oil for other facial oils. When you’re shopping for one, make sure the rose hip oil is packaged in a dark, amber-colored bottle. This protects it from UV rays, which can make it less effective.

If you buy unrefined or raw rose hip oil, be careful when applying it. These versions are less processed. So, while they’re rich in nutrients, they’re also rich in color. And that color can be quite noticeable on your hands, body — and clothes. If you don’t want that rosy-gold hue all over you, try an organic, cold-pressed option.

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