This personality type involves three overlapping traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy
If you spend a lot of time on social media, you may have noticed the term “dark triad” coming up recently. It kind of sounds like a pop psychology term, or the bad guys in a comic book.
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It’s neither. It’s an academic theory that’s been the subject of a lot of research. The scholarship can be dense and confusing. But understanding the dark triad might help you avoid (or escape) a toxic relationship.
Psychologist Susan Albers, PsyD, breaks down the concept of the dark triad personality. She offers practical advice, like behaviors to be on the lookout for and how to protect yourself.
The dark triad is a psychological theory of personality developed by Delroy L. Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams in 2002. It suggests that three distinct but overlapping traits explain certain kinds of negative behavior. Those traits are narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism.
The dark triad is a hot topic in psychology. That’s because, in most cases, people who demonstrate all three of these traits often don’t meet the definition of a specific personality disorder.
Some academics think the dark triad would be more meaningful if the creators added sadism into the mix, making it a dark tetrad. (People who have sadistic tendencies experience joy and pleasure inflicting pain on others.)
Other academics think that a dark dyad (meaning two traits, instead of three) makes more sense. In that case, they usually focus on psychopathy and Machiavellianism.
Still others question the value of all three configurations.
Triad, dyad or tetrad, the bottom line is simple. People with this collection of personality traits have the potential to be dangerous. That’s, in part, because they’re so good at blending in.
“What’s interesting about the concept of the dark triad is that it’s very subtle,” Dr. Albers says. “These behaviors all sound very negative. And they are. But they aren’t front and center. These behaviors are happening behind the scenes — and you can easily miss them if you aren’t attuned to them.”
Because the dark triad isn’t a mental health diagnosis, it doesn’t come with a set list of symptoms. But we can expect certain patterns of behavior and thinking when a person has dark triad traits.
But before diving into specifics, Dr. Albers underscores that these personality traits exist on a spectrum.
“Someone may have all of these characteristics, but not to the same extent,” she explains. “The more intensely someone exhibits all three traits, the more likely they are to be dangerous or harmful.”
Dr. Albers stresses that fitting the definition of the dark triad doesn’t make a person violent. But it does mean you need to be cautious in your interactions with them.
Here are some common ways the dark triad makes itself known.
They project confidence. But the truth is, people with dark triad personalities tend to be extremely insecure. Still, they see themselves as special. And they expect others to treat them that way, regardless of what they do or how they behave. As a result, they tend to feel misunderstood or victimized by the people around them.
And when something happens that threatens their self-concept or reputation? Well, you can expect a bad reaction.
People with this personality type might not give outward indications that they’re self-centered. Some have what’s called covert narcissism. Others keep an extremely low profile, which makes it harder for others to learn who they really are. This behavior is especially common in those who are more Machiavellian than narcissistic.
So, don’t just clock selfish behavior. Notice subtler ways they assert control, like:
Nobody walks around town with a sign taped to their forehead that says “I want to cause you harm.” But people with a dark triad personality are good at masking their true intentions. They’re also great at gaining people’s trust.
“These individuals are very charismatic and charming,” Dr. Albers notes. “They appear and act very confident. In fact, they tend to occupy powerful positions in society. They’re CEOs, cult leaders, bosses and politicians.”
That charm, power and control means they’re less likely to get caught committing crimes. It also helps that they’re rarely burdened by guilt or shame.
Because they’re charming, people with a dark triad personality can be quite popular. But their relationships tend to be superficial.
“People with dark triad personalities often have very short-term relationships. They opt for one-night stands or situationships over partnerships — and acquaintances over friends,” Dr. Albers shares. “They usually have an avoidant attachment style, so they can’t connect the way others do.”
What if you do end up in a long-term relationship with someone with dark triad tendencies? Dr. Albers says it’s likely to feel empty and unsatisfying. That’s because your partner can’t provide the emotional exchange and support relationships need to grow.
“It can feel like your relationship is a game for them,” she adds. “They’re trying to figure out how much they can gain from their association with you.” And when we’re uncertain about our relationships, we’re more vulnerable to gaslighting.
People who have a dark triad personality use deception to get what they want. And because most want to be liked, trusted and admired, they won’t hesitate to tell you what you want to hear.
But when you tell everybody what they want to hear, things get very confusing very fast. So, a person with a dark triad personality may:
Dr. Albers adds that cheating’s likely to be a recurring problem.
It can be exciting spending time with somebody who doesn’t feel constrained by society’s rules. You might even find their liberated attitude sexy. But that perception usually changes with time.
Researchers found people with dark triad personalities tend to engage in risky behaviors like theft and substance misuse. A 2021 study found that they’re also more inclined to:
Because they lack empathy, people with dark triad personalities aren’t just willing to risk their own health and safety. They’re usually willing to risk yours, too. Dr. Albers warns that they might pressure or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do. It’s especially likely if they think it will benefit them.
For many of us, compassion is a reflex. If we see someone fall and scatter their groceries all over the sidewalk, we don’t think twice. We help them up, make sure they’re OK and dust off their items.
When we respond that way, we’re engaging in what’s called pro-social behavior. Our actions benefit others and, ultimately, the world at large.
A person with strong psychopathic tendencies doesn’t have that same reflex. They’re inclined, instead, toward anti-social behavior. Their first instinct might be to laugh, make jokes or run off with the groceries.
But remember: Having impulses and acting on them are two different things.
Many people who fit the dark triad personality behave in pro-social ways. But they do it to avoid raising red flags, or to make themselves look good.
Having a superiority complex can cause issues with jealousy. The combination of narcissism and Machiavellianism means people with a dark triad personality:
And the cherry on top? Their psychopathic tendencies make them more likely to act on negative emotions.
A 2024 study found a correlation between dark triad traits and cyber dating abuse. (That’s when a person uses technology to control, monitor and harm their partner.) It’s one of many studies that suggest a relationship between dark triad personalities and intimate partner violence.
People who have the three traits associated with the dark triad tend to be image-conscious. They want to seem rich, desirable and powerful.
As a result, people with a dark triad personality can be materialistic.
“Parents of children with dark triad traits often experience manipulation around money,” Dr. Albers says. “Financial exploitation is also common in adults with dark triad personalities. They’ll bleed somebody dry to improve their financial situation.”
“There’s a lot of overlap between the dark triad personality and bullying,” Dr. Albers clarifies.
A 2019 study on workplace bullying found people with Machiavellian and psychopathic traits were “major” offenders. An earlier study found an association between all three components of the dark triad and cyberbullying.
The relationship between personality and abusive behavior is complex. A 2022 study found that dark triad traits enable psychological violence against intimate partners. But it also concluded that the opposite was true. Psychological violence cultivates dark triad traits.
Again, the dark triad isn’t a personality disorder or mental health condition, so it isn’t diagnosable. But there are tests psychologists can administer to better understand where we fall on the spectrum of personality traits.
There are individual tests for all three of the dark triad traits. Some prefer to use general personality questionnaires — like the Big Five Inventory or the HEXACO Personality Inventory — to assess the strength of these traits.
But there are also tests specifically designed to measure dark triad traits. The Short Dark Triad (SD3) and the Dirty Dozen (DD) are well-known. But some researchers question their accuracy.
There are many online quizzes out there, some of which use the same criteria that professionals use. But Dr. Albers cautions against using these.
“If you believe you or someone you care about has a dark triad personality, reach out to a trained mental health professional,” she advises. “They can accurately interpret the results. And they’ll have the expertise to help you plan next steps.”
If you think somebody has a dark triad personality, avoiding them is usually your safest bet.
“Create distance between you and that individual. That way, you’re protecting yourself financially, physically and emotionally,” Dr. Albers urges.
Of course, we can’t always distance ourselves from the difficult people in our lives. Maybe you’re co-parenting a child with someone who has a dark triad personality. Maybe your child is displaying these traits. Or perhaps it’s your boss.
In those cases, she recommends doing the following:
Get help if you have any concerns about your safety. The following resources are great starting points:
The term “dark triad” sounds pretty insidious. It conjures images of serial killers, comic book villains and unspeakable atrocities. And yes, some people who fit the characteristics of the dark triad are dangerous. Some will go on to commit violent crimes.
But others won’t. People who have these personality traits are complex, just like the rest of us.
Research suggests many people with dark triad traits grow up in volatile, neglectful or abusive homes. Dr. Albers notes that their antisocial behaviors may be defense mechanisms they learned growing up.
Yes, having a dark triad personality can make a person difficult to be around. But that doesn’t make them evil.
Seeing people as multidimensional doesn’t mean you have to forgive their behavior. And it doesn’t make protecting yourself any less important. But do it with empathy and compassion. And with gratitude that you have those skills. Because people with dark triad characteristics might not be so lucky.
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