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Living With Schizophrenia: Strategies and Self-Help

Following your treatment plan, finding a community, staying active and maintaining a healthy diet can help manage this psychiatric condition

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If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, it’s understandable if you feel overwhelmed because this psychiatric condition can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life.


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Schizophrenia is typically treated with a combination of antipsychotic and other medications, therapy and self-management techniques. While consistently taking your medication and engaging in therapy are critical in managing this condition, there are also lifestyle adjustments you can make that will help.

“One of the best things is community support,” states psychiatrist Travis Krew, MD. “Having a support network is going to help an individual with schizophrenia cope with their illness.”

Dr. Krew explains the ways in which you can cope better with schizophrenia symptoms in your day-to-day life.

Tips for living with schizophrenia

Schizophrenia manifests in two types of symptoms: positive or negative. But this doesn’t mean “good” and “bad.” A positive symptom here means something that appears in a person’s life that hadn’t been there before, such as delusions or hallucinations. But there are also negative symptoms — referring to the ways in which schizophrenia can take away certain abilities over time like motivation, a sense of independence and the ability to socialize and communicate.

Because of the intensity of these symptoms, schizophrenia can greatly impact your ability to have a consistent daily routine, engage in important tasks, and even develop and maintain relationships.


Dr. Krew shares how following your treatment plan and making other lifestyle adjustments can help you manage your symptoms and find support.

Stay on track with your treatment plan

If you live with schizophrenia, you may know that one of the big concerns is falling behind on your treatment. When schizophrenia leaves you feeling unstable, it can be hard to keep up with your medication doses and therapy appointments.

As Dr. Krew explains, schizophrenia often causes something called anosognosia — a biological condition where someone with a severe mental illness can’t recognize that they have one. “Often, someone with schizophrenia may struggle to recognize their own symptoms,” he says.

Because of this, Dr. Krew highly recommends developing additional healthy habits so you can feel your best and minimize the risks of falling behind on your treatment plan.

Stay active 

This is general advice that is true for all of us, but if you’re living with schizophrenia, a balanced diet and active lifestyle can be especially important.

“There are many psychological benefits of physical exercise for a lot of mental health conditions,” says Dr. Krew. “In addition to that, people with schizophrenia are not only more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, but a lot of the medications we use to treat psychosis are linked to an increased risk of developing this group of conditions.”

Regular exercise can help prevent or treat metabolic syndrome. It can also serve as a healthy coping mechanism for stress and foster overall well-being. “It makes managing one's health much easier,” he adds.

Some examples of easy workouts you can add to your routine include:

Eat well

The same advice goes for having a healthy diet. “It can prevent excessive weight gain, help manage blood sugar better, help manage cholesterol, and improve your overall health,” Dr. Krew says

One great option is the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. This approach to eating focuses on whole foods, plenty of vegetables and fruits, lean protein and healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids.

A healthy diet can also help structure your day. Aim for three meals a day and try to schedule them at the same time daily.

Manage stress 

Stress can have a significant impact on your health, including your mental health. And living with schizophrenia can itself be stressful. It can feel like a vicious cycle.

Dr. Krew emphasizes the importance of managing your stress as best you can to help minimize its impact on your schizophrenia symptoms.

Some ways to relieve stress include practicing relaxation techniques, mindfulness, meditation and other forms of breathwork


You can try specific techniques like: 

But managing stress can also look like making time for the things you love and engaging in activities that help you feel calm. Maybe it’s a walk in the park with your dog, an hour set aside for your favorite hobby or a phone call with a good friend.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs 

Using substances like alcohol and drugs can severely worsen positive schizophrenia symptoms. These substances can also trigger new episodes of psychosis. That’s why it’s best to avoid alcohol or any kind of recreational drugs.

Quitting smoking has another pro as well. Nicotine may also have complex interactions with schizophrenia, potentially intensifying symptoms and interfering with how well medications work. A 2021 review found that people with schizophrenia who also smoked were more likely to experience more severe symptoms.

Have a support system you can turn to

Another way to help manage schizophrenia is to develop a good support system around you. And don’t hesitate to reach out to them.

As Dr. Krew explains, not only does this give you people to turn to when you feel like you’re struggling, but it also helps you build trust. Knowing there are people you can rely on and trust is invaluable when your schizophrenic symptoms can leave you feeling uncertain. 


“A trusting relationship with family, friends and your healthcare provider can also help you recognize your symptoms and when you’re not doing well,” he says. “Having that outside perspective can help you get possible treatment and get things under control before severe symptoms emerge.”

Engage in peer support

Schizophrenia can sometimes make you feel isolated and lonely. So, while it’s important to get support from your family and friends, it’s also good to find peers who directly understand your experiences.

“Really for anyone struggling with mental health symptoms, I strongly encourage that you get involved with some sort of peer support system or some sort of grassroots mental health program,” advises Dr. Krew.

It can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why Dr. Krew recommends seeking out an organization such as Clubhouse International, which provides peer support, structured environments and skill development for those living with intense, life-altering mental health conditions.

“These are programs that help people with mental illness find opportunities for social connections, employment, education and even help in advocating for medical and psychiatric services,” he continues.

The bottom line

If you live with schizophrenia or were recently diagnosed, it’s normal to feel frustrated and worried about how you’re going to live your day to day. But the important thing to know is that this is an illness that is not only treatable, but can also be alleviated through different lifestyle changes, healthy routines and peer support.


If you’re continuing to experience worsening symptoms, there’s no shame in talking to your healthcare provider about alternative options. Even admitting that you need more help to live with your schizophrenia is a step toward feeling better.

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