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Health Benefits of Walking Backward

Turning your walk around can burn more calories, boost your mental health and improve your posture

Legs and feet of person in blue leggings walking on a treadmill at gym

Walking backward (aka retro walking) is the latest social media workout obsession. Online sources claim you’ll get a better calorie burn and even boost your mental health by going in reverse.


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But is this exercise trend worth your time — and maybe some raised eyebrows from onlookers? Exercise physiologist Jordan Boreman, MS, discusses the benefits of walking this way.

Are there benefits to walking backward?

You probably don’t think much about walking from point A to point B. After all, your muscles and body structure are naturally designed to propel you forward. How hard could it be to just turn around?

It’s not as easy as you might think. “Walking backward isn’t as natural as walking forward, so we work harder physically and concentrate more to do it,” Boreman shares.

This extra effort could deliver several benefits, including:

1. Strengthening different muscles

When you do the same workout every day, you use the same muscles and leave others out. Over time, you risk hitting a plateau or even getting injured.

Walking is great exercise, but any type of exercise requires variation to avoid overusing certain muscles,” explains Boreman. “Walking backward can add some cross-training to your walking or jogging routine.”

Retro walking engages many of the same muscles as regular walking, including your hamstrings, calves and quadriceps. But walking backward will work those muscles in different ways — and fire up some other muscles, too.

“Backward walking uses more of your gluteal muscles, quadriceps and hip flexors than forward walking,” he adds. “Your contact points through your legs and ankles get an extra challenge because they have to help you balance.”


2. Burning more calories

Looking to add some oomph to your walking workout? Spurts of retro walking sprinkled in may be just what you need.

“Backward walking is an entirely different movement than you’re used to, so your body has to adapt and adjust,” reiterates Boreman. “As your muscles move in different ways, your heart rate increases, which can help you burn more calories.”

For context, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) assigns different exercises a metabolic equivalent of task (MET). The higher the MET, the more intense the activity.

“Moderate walking is about 3.5 METs and backward walking is 6 METs,” he continues. “This tells us that walking backward requires a lot more energy — and therefore, it can burn more calories.”

3. Helping prevent joint pain

The cross-training effect of retro walking can make it a good exercise for people with joint pain and arthritis.

“We use a toe-heel movement when we walk backward,” Boreman explains. “This motion engages your quadriceps, which support your knees and absorb some of the impact. Walking backward also helps increase the range of motion in your hip flexors.”

But don’t jump feet-first into retro walking if you have joint pain.

“Backward walking can help in many cases of hip and knee pain, but it’s not necessarily right for everyone with these issues,” he cautions. “First, see your provider for a correct diagnosis and ask them if this type of exercise could help you.”

4. Giving your brain a workout

It’s easy to zone out while walking because we walk all the time. But once you try backward walking, you’ll likely realize that it requires far more concentration, notes Boreman. Your senses are more engaged. (Consider it cardio for your mind.)

Plus, backward walking is cardiovascular exercise, which can boost your mood and combat depression. “Any movement is good for your mental health,” he says.

5. Improving your posture

Many of us end up slouching for hours each day while driving, texting or sitting at a desk. Often, that poor posture carries over to when you’re walking.

With regular backward walking, you might find yourself standing up straighter.

“We tend to hunch forward when we walk because we’re used to slouching throughout the day,” says Boreman. “Walking backward forces you to stand more upright, which can help you be mindful of your posture.”

Working your gluteal muscles, quadriceps and hip flexors (as mentioned earlier) can also help with posture.

Safety tips for walking backward

Backward walking can be riskier than traditional walking — mainly because we don’t have eyes in the backs of our heads. But you can make it safer if you:

  • Avoid crowds. You don’t want to bump into others and hurt yourself (or them). If you use a popular walking path or track, go during off-peak times if possible. “Be aware of your surroundings and turn down your music if people are around,” advises Boreman.
  • Seek smooth surfaces. Don’t try retro walking on a bumpy road or uneven terrain, or you might end up on the ground. “A smooth, paved walking path or flat grass is ideal for backward walking,” suggests Boreman. “Look around and make sure you know the terrain before you begin.”
  • Start slowly. Backward walking is a workout, so don’t overdo it. “Like any activity, you can get injured if you do too much, too quickly,” Boreman warns. He recommends starting with one- to two-minute chunks of backward walking mixed in with traditional walking. Gradually increase the time as it gets easier.


Walking backward on a treadmill

Are you a treadmill walker? If so, you can try a backward routine on the machine.

“Slow the speed way down before you try walking backward on the treadmill,” instructs Boreman. “Most people find that their backward pace isn’t nearly as fast as their forward pace, and this is to be expected. You can always speed it up as you get the hang of it.”

Protect yourself from injury by following all the safety procedures of your gym and the machine. “Hold the handrails and use the safety key whenever the treadmill is in motion,” he recommends.

An elliptical machine is also an option, as you can mimic backward walking while using it. (Note, it’s not as difficult as backward walking.)

How long should I walk backward?

A backward walking routine can be anywhere from two minutes to 30 or more, depending on where you are in your fitness journey. “Start with shorter chunks of backward walking mixed in with your normal routine and build up to more as you can,” reiterates Boreman.

Your workout should align with your individual fitness goals. In general, aim to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Part of that should include strength training such as body weight, free weight or machine exercises.

“Backward walking is great for your heart and mind, but you also need to maintain strong muscles,” he adds. “Strength training is the best way to do that.”


Hop on the backward bandwagon

Unlike some other fitness trends, backward walking isn’t just a fad. It’s an effective exercise that’s stood the test of time.

“Backward walking can be a great workout,” reassures Boreman. “It’s also accessible because it doesn’t require special equipment or a gym membership.”

In other words, don’t worry if your backward stroll leaves bystanders scratching their heads. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks — and maybe you’ll even start a backward walking trend in your neighborhood.


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Aerobic Exercise

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